TRUE if the gamepad is connected
The gamepad id
The gamepad index
TRUE if the vibration is on
TRUE if any button is pressed
TRUE if back button is pressed (a.k.a. select button)
TRUE if bottom face button is pressed (Dual Shock: X. Xbox: A. Nintendo: B)
TRUE if d-pad down is pressed
TRUE if d-pad left is pressed
TRUE if d-pad right is pressed
TRUE if d-pad up is pressed
TRUE if left face button is pressed (Dual Shock: Circle. Xbox: B. Nintendo: A)
TRUE if left shoulder button is pressed (Dual Shock: L1. Xbox: LB. Nintendo: L)
TRUE if left stick button is pressed
Left stick horizontal axes value
Left stick vertical axes value
TRUE if left trigger button is pressed (Dual Shock: L2. Xbox: LT. Nintendo: ZL)
TRUE if right face button is pressed (Dual Shock: Square. Xbox: X. Nintendo: Y)
TRUE if right shoulder button is pressed (Dual Shock: R1. Xbox: RB. Nintendo: R)
TRUE if right stick button is pressed
Right stick horizontal axes value
Right stick vertical axes value
TRUE if right trigger button is pressed (Dual Shock: R2. Xbox: RT. Nintendo: ZR)
TRUE if start button is pressed (a.k.a. options button)
TRUE if top face button is pressed (Dual Shock: Triangle. Xbox: Y. Nintendo: X)
Turns on the gamepad vibration
The duration of the effect in milliseconds
Rumble intensity of the high-frequency (weak) rumble motors, normalized to the range between 0.0 and 1.0
Rumble intensity of the low-frequency (strong) rumble motors, normalized to the range between 0.0 and 1.0
The delay in milliseconds before the effect is started
It represents a connected gamepad and has the information of all its buttons and axes..