

flipHorizontally: boolean = false

Flip the image horizontally

flipVertically: boolean = false

Flip the image vertically

height: number

Overwrite the original image height

image: HTMLImageElement

The image to render

layer: string = defaultRenderLayer

The render layer

maskColor: string

Define a mask color for the image

maskColorMix: number

Define the opacity of the mask color between 1 and 0

offset: Vector2 = ...

X-axis and Y-axis offset

opacity: number = 1

Change the opacity between 1 and 0

rotation: number = 0

Image rotation in radians

scale: Vector2 = ...

Scale the image based on a vector

slice?: Slice

Cut the image based on straight coordinates starting from the top left downward

smooth: boolean = false

TRUE for smooth pixels (not recommended for pixel art)

tintColor: string

Define a color for tinting the sprite image

width: number

Overwrite the original image width